Thursday 16 April 2015

The Greatest Speech Churchill Never Made

Of  all  the Great Britons it is perhaps Churchill who is most often attributed stuff he never said. From poisoning people's coffee to quipping about his member to Atlee, words the man never uttered have been tossed about for years, willy-nilly and used by dimwits to back up dimmer causes. Take the quote in the picture on the right. He never said that. It's attributed to everyone from Snoopy to Mark Twain. Hell - it could even have been said by Shania. But Winnie never said it. SO - time to put the record straight. After strenuous research (about half an hour on the train actually) I've managed to knock up a speech consisting entirely of unattributed or just plain made up Churchill quotes. Well - not quite - ONE of them is real. Can you spot which one? No Google allowed. Answer to @otto_english

Speech Given By Sir Winston S. Churchill to Nobody Ever, on no date in history:

Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential. Success concerns going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.  A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity while an optimist the opportunity in every difficulty. You must never, never, never give up. If you are going through hell keep going. If you have enemies then good, that means you've stood up for something in your life. 

People often forget, that in 1940 we had no guarantee that we would win the war but we did and to ensure it never happens again, we must build a United States of Europe. In this way only, will hundreds of millions of toilers be able to regain the simple joys and hopes which make life worth living again.

On a final note, in about sixty years from now, a man called Nigel will come among you and say a lot of things. Supporters of his might even take some of the things I never said and post them on a social media website called Twitter. Others may prefer to do so on Facebook. Or even Instagram. Vote for him. Why not. Oh - and drink Sunny Delight. It's delicious with a handful of crushed ice. Clemmie swears by the stuff.

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